Puppies11.07.2024 Shiba puppies A new litter of red colored shiba in the kennel. There are two red males and two red females in the litter.
Puppies30.06.2024 Shikoku puppies A new Shikoku litter was born in the kennel. There are four females and two males in the litter. We have puppies for sale.
Puppies24.12.2023 Shiba puppies A sesame shiba male is available with the prospect of a show and breeding.
Puppies27.09.2022 Shiba male Shiba male looking for a better home. Date of birth 27.09.2021. Very good price .
Puppies04.04.2021 Shiba male Available male shiba. Date of birth 04.04.2021. Registration of NIPPON (Japan) and FCI. Hip joints have been pre - tested.